Op e n H o u s e 2 0 1 1
J K / S K t o G r a d e 7
Founded in 2009, Equinox Holistic Alternative School is a
TDSB Alternative Elementary, Junior and Intermediate school.
Equinox is a dynamic school that oers a unique, holistic
curriculum that makes connections between the community,
earth, soul, subject and the mind and body, while also striving
to restore a balance between analysis and intuition. The school
curriculum is designed to engage not just the intellect but
also the hands, heart and spirit of each child.

We are presently looking to f ill spaces in the following programs
for September, 2011: Junior Kindergarten; Senior Kindergarten;
Grade 6; and Grade 7*

All students, parents/guardians are welcome to attend
Thursday, January 20th 6pm, School Gym located on the rst -oor.
Equinox Holistic Alternative School, located on the 3rd -oor of Roden
Public School, 151 Hiawatha Road, 416-393-8274

On the Agenda:
Information around our holistic philosophy and
curriculum and outdoor education programs
The TDSB Optional Attendance Policy, Applications and our
school’s waitlist procedures
Meet our sta and school council chair
Visit the classrooms

*At present, we do not have spaces available in our Grades 1 to 5
programs, however, we will be taking a waitlist. For more information,
regarding our waitlist process, please join us at our Open House.

TTC Directions Gerrard Street Car or Coxwell Station and Bus #22
Parking is available to the south of the school, just north of Gerrard;
entry is o of Hiawatha.

Please Note: Applications will be available at the Open House.