Loonie For Lucas--Friday November 25, 2011

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden death of one of our Howard students’ parents, Jenna Morrison, in a tragic bicycle accident on Nov. 7th. These few days have been a difficult time for the Howard PS community as they mourn this tragic loss of life.

As a Family of Schools, we are seeking to initiate a Loonie for Lucas campaign to support this young man through life.

Fern Avenue PS would like to support the Morrison family with a Loonie for Lucas day.

Student’s who bring in a loonie, are to give it to their classroom teacher. All loonies will be collected and then brought down to the school office. We ask that all Loonies be sent to the school no later than Friday November 25th. Once all loonies donated have been handed in, we will forward them to the family on behalf of the Fern school community.

Thank you for your support.