
Showing posts from September, 2015

Join our NEW mailing list

Last year, the federal government enacted Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) which prohibits the sending of commercial e-mail to people who have not consented to receive it. Unfortunately, their definition of “commercial” is broad enough so that it could be interpreted to include any messages from the school that promote, advertise or offer for sale anything including: school pictures, yearbooks, uniforms, food programs, event tickets or entry fees, fundraising events or items, or similar events or offers to sell goods and services. Last year we continued using our old mailing list, but excluded such messages from our regular e-mail newsletters. This year, we have decided to build a new, compliant mailing list from scratch, and the TDSB has determined that this requires a signed E-mail Consent Form from every individual who wishes to receive e-mail from the school. These forms were sent home today with your children, but you can also download a copy from  here . If you...

Parent Council Meeting Relocated to Staffroom

Please note the Parent Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm has been re located to the  STAFF ROOM  and not the auditorium as initially posted. Child care will be available in the library. (room 212). Thank you.

Student Verification Forms

Dear Parent/Guardian, Student verification forms were sent home for you to review the current information we have on file for students.  Please return the verification forms at your earliest convenience with any corrections or additions to your personal information.   Kindly highlight or add any corrections with a coloured pen. This is very important for our records and for emergency situations.  We also ask that any outstanding forms initially sent home with the "Welcome Back Package" be returned as soon as possible to your child's teacher. We appreciate your support and cooperation with the paperwork and office at this time. Thank you.

Dental Screening at Fern

Dear Parent/Guardian: Toronto Public Health provides dental programs to children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. The Dental Screening Team will be at Fern from  Wednesday, October 21 to Wednesday, October 28, 2015. To idenify children with oral health problems, a screening program is offered to students in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Health requirements for mandatory health programs.  The screening is an assessment by a dental hygienist using sterilized instruments.  The dental hygienist will access the need for topical nuoride, scaling, sealant and any other obvious dental needs. As a follow up to the screening, only parents whose children are identified as requiring dental services will be notified.  A note to that effect will be sent home with your child/ren for your information and action.  You may also receive a phone call from T.P.H. dental staff to assist you in accessing care. Please be advised that this screening does not replace the ...

TTC Proof-Of-Age Cards

Dear Parents/Guardians, All children aged 12 and under are eligible to ride the TTC for free.  The TTC Child Proof-of-Age card is available for children who may be tall for their age, or appear to be older than 12 years old. Children can carry the card to prove that they are not required to pay fare. Please ask your child to see Vera in the office if this applies to them. Thank you!

Backpacks for Malawi

Fern Ave P.S is proud to be working with Canadian Musician Feist to deliver backpacks to children and teens with HIV/AIDS in Malawi. A collection bin has been placed outside of the office and we would love for you to drop off your gently used and new backpacks. The deadline for donations is Friday, October the 9th . If you have any questions, please contact Kim Morrison at Read on for the letter from Leslie Feist explaining the project:

September Newsletter

Please click here for the September newsletter.

Terry Fox Run - September 25th

Fern Ave. P.S. is holding its annual Terry Fox Run on Friday, Sept. 25 (with a rain date of Monday, Sept. 28 ). This is a great opportunity to learn about Terry Fox and his story and to use his examples of perseverance, dedication and empathy to follow. The JK/SK students will have their running activity in the morning. Students in Grades 4-6 will run from 1:00 to 1:20; Grades 1-3 will run from 1:40 to 2:00 and Grades 7-8 will run from 2:45 to 3:15. Family members who are available and interested are welcome to join their child/children for this event. Please check in with your child's teacher when arriving. All Fern students will participate and donations are optional. Families who wish to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation can do so online at . Families who have collected pledges or who wish to make a small donation can drop it off directly to the office. Please do not give money or forms to teachers. Thank you very much, Andrew Fennell Archdekin

First Parent Council Meeting - Wednesday October 7th

Come and see what is new this year at Fern! Parent Council Meeting Wednesday October 07 6:30 - 8:30pm Auditorium (Across the hall from the main office) Childcare will be provided. Exciting roles are available on the Parent Council Executive. We will be electing a new executive committee at this meeting, including: Chair/Co Chairs, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Ward 7 Representative. Please look for the memo that will be sent home Monday September 21st . If you are interested in seeking a role, please send a small blurb about yourself & the role you are interested in and submit to the office by Thursday October 1st. The School Council meeting is a forum for parents, caregivers, the principal and others to discuss school issues and ways to improve the school. The Council also fundraises to help provide classroom programs in art, music and science, just to name a few. Each member at the Council meeting has a vote so please come out and support Fern!

The Safe Arrival Program

Dear Parents/Guardians: Student Safety is of utmost importance and parents need to be notified as soon as possible if their child has not arrived at school. The Safe Arrival Program complies with the  Education Act  and related Ministry of Education policies in respect of student attendance in order to maximize students’ academic success and well-being.     Many of you are now aware Fern Avenue PS has moved to an automated safe arrival program.    Automation will allow our families to be contacted in a timely manner allowing us to confirm absences much sooner than using a manual system.  This system reports allows us to better track student absences/lates and also help to send messages to the parents/guardians regarding their child’s attendance in a timely manner.   The system call-out will work as follows:   Parents/guardians identified in TDSB’s Student Information Systems who has access to student records, and emergency co...

Save the Date, Its Photo Day!

IT'S  PHOTO DAY AT FERN AVENUE P.S For Best Results BRING YOUR BEST SMILES on  Monday, September 28, 2015 . More information on how to order your child's photos is coming soon.....

Hep B,Meningococcal, HPV Vaccination Clinic and Consent Forms

Dear Parents/Guardians, Each year Toronto Public Health provides free hepatitis B and meningococcal vaccines for Grade 7 students through vaccination clinics in Schools.  Meningococcal vaccination or a valid exemption is required for school attendance.  Hepatitis B vaccine is voluntary but highly recommended. Please note TPH also provides free human papillomavirus vaccine to Grade 8 female students through vaccination clinics in school.  Starting in September, the Ontario Ministry has modified their recommendations to a 2-dose schedule for Grade 8 girls, ages 9-13.  Two doses for this age group provide the same protection as a three-dose series.  Three doses are still needed for individuals who receive their first dose on or after their 14th birthday and for persons with a weak immune system. Please read carefully the vaccine fact sheets and sign consent forms sent home today. Signed Consent Forms are to be returned to the school by Friday, September 18, 2...

Volunteers In The Classroom/Police Checks

Dear Parents/Guardians, Under Regulation 521/01 of the Education Act, school boards must obtain police record checks (PRC) on all existing and new employees, service providers and others who come into contact with our students.  Once a record check has been collected, school boards are required to collect, on an annual basis, Offence Declarations (a form to update a person's information to file by declaring any new criminal code convictions). The intent of the legislation is to ensure that schools and classrooms are safe places for students. New Volunteers  (18 years of age and over) The TDSB values the tremendous contributions of our parent and community volunteers who give so much of their time and effort to make our school's better places.    In order to promote and support volunteerism in our schools, while protecting the safety of students, we ask that you follow the following steps to obtain a PRC Vulnerable Sector Screening: For Volunteers  who live in To...

Fern Avenue P.S. Cross Country 2015 - this week!

Our school athletics will be starting this week with cross country! Primary cross country running practises will be held Tuesday, Thursday and optional Fridays. Practises will be in the mornings at school, Friday at Sorauren Park. We are starting on Tuesday, September 15th . Coaches: Primary teachers (Kerry Heller). Junior cross country will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and optional Fridays. All practises will be in the morning at Sorauren Park. We are starting on Tuesday, September 15th at 8:15am . Coaches: Sarantos Katsihtis, Kerry Heller. Senior cross country practices will be in the morning at High Park. Coach: Chris Enticknap Further details will be provided through individual coaches and permission forms. Cross –Country Dates and Locations Qualification Meets – October 9th @ Woodbine / Kew Beach Conference Final Meet - October 16 @ Woodbine / Kew Beach City Final Meet – October 22 @ Etobicoke Centennial Park. Visit  the blog for more information on Fern Spo...

Calling All Graphic Designers!

Fern Ave. P. S. needs your help!  Periodically throughout the year, marketing materials such as posters, tickets & online ads are required to effectively advertise events and activities going on within the school. This media communication is a crucial component to the success of these events which help raise school funding and enrich the lives of the students and the community.  Even if you could design just one poster or ticket layout, that would be a tremendous help. Any participation is greatly appreciated!! If you can help, please contact Taya, Arts Collective Chair: . Thank you! The Fern Arts Collective

Deadline Extended! Can we take care of lunches for you?

Fern’s hot-lunch program served more than 30,000 lunches last year to students from JK to grade 8, teachers and staff. The lunch program will continue in the 2015-2016 school year with the Food Committee handling the administration of the lunch orders. This year, we are pleased to be introducing a 4-week menu rotation featuring items such as chicken cacciatore, teriyaki noodles, burger with oven fries, chicken noodle soup, panko-breaded sole, spaghetti and meatballs, burrito, chicken tikka masala and pita pizza! Parents who wish to start the next school year off with healthy and tasty lunches for their children may do so by submitting their lunch orders by Friday, September 18th, 2015 to begin lunches on Thursday, October 1st, 2015 . To sign up, check your child’s backpack for more information, or simply download the order form and drop it off in the secure black mailbox at Fern, located outside the Ferncliff Daycare office (room 103; enter the school, turn left and it’s about half...

The first week of school

I am pleased to announce that the first week of school has officially ended! I want to thank all the staff for working hard to welcome your children back to Fern for the 2015-2016 school year. Hopefully everyone is getting settled into the new routines of school life and is prepared to have a year full of learning and growth. Your child should have brought home a package which has a letter from me, a number of forms to fill out, a school calendar, information about the Fern Hot Lunch Program and finally a Parent/Student routines/procedures/protocols document. Kindergarten parents also received a letter about the Kindergarten Snack Program. Parents are asked to fill out these forms and have your child return them to a file folder in their classroom by September 18. One important upcoming date is the Terry Fox Run happening as a school-wide event on Friday September 25. More information on that will follow. I hope that you are able to check this blogsite frequently f...

Message From Toronto Police Service Parking Enforcement Unit

Dear Parents/Guardians, Commencing tomorrow—Friday, September 11, 2015—Toronto Police Service Parking Enforcement Unit will be present on Fern Avenue & Wright Avenue promoting “Choose Safety Over Convenience.” They will also issue tickets for the following: NO PARKING : You may stop (temporarily) in a No Parking area only while actually engaged in picking up or dropping off passengers or merchandise.  They get in or out—you don't. You may not leave your vehicle for a coupe of minutes to take your child into the school.  Leaving your vehicle—or even just waiting—is an offence. It is an offence to park closer than 9 meters of a corner. No sign is required. Fine amount $40.00 NO STOPPING : Stopping to pick up or drop off is strictly not allowed. Stopping is only allowed when: Directed to stop by a police officer, a traffic sign, or a traffic light. Avoiding a collision with other vehicles or pedestrians. Fine amount $60.00 (increases to $150 in a rush-hour ...

Welcome Back! Can we take care of lunches for you?

Fern’s hot-lunch program served more than 30,000 lunches last year to students from JK to grade 8, teachers and staff. The lunch program will continue in the 2015-2016 school year with the Food Committee handling the administration of the lunch orders. This year, we are pleased to be introducing a 4-week menu rotation featuring items such as chicken cacciatore, teriyaki noodles, burger with oven fries, chicken noodle soup, panko-breaded sole, spaghetti and meatballs, burrito, chicken tikka masala and pita pizza! Parents who wish to start the next school year off with healthy and tasty lunches for their children may do so by submitting their lunch orders by Tuesday September 15th, 2015 to begin lunches on Thursday, October 1st, 2015 . To sign up, check your child’s backpack for more information, or simply download the order form and drop it off in the secure black mailbox at Fern, located outside the Ferncliff Daycare office (room 103; enter the school, turn left and it’s about hal...

Student Class Placements and First Day of School

Dear Parents/Guardians, Please check the front doors of Fern Avenue to assist you in knowing the name, grade and room number of your child's teacher. On Tuesday, September 8th teachers will be in the appropriate school yards (Kindergarden, Primary/Junior, Senior) at 8:45 AM, wearing orange vests and name tags. In addition the teachers will have classroom lists and will gladly assist you should you not be able to find the students name ahead of time on the front doors. We look forward to seeing you all and wish everyone a great and successful school year! Thank you, The Office