The first week of school

I am pleased to announce that the first week of school has officially ended! I want to thank all the staff for working hard to welcome your children back to Fern for the 2015-2016 school year. Hopefully everyone is getting settled into the new routines of school life and is prepared to have a year full of learning and growth. Your child should have brought home a package which has a letter from me, a number of forms to fill out, a school calendar, information about the Fern Hot Lunch Program and finally a Parent/Student routines/procedures/protocols document. Kindergarten parents also received a letter about the Kindergarten Snack Program. Parents are asked to fill out these forms and have your child return them to a file folder in their classroom by September 18.

One important upcoming date is the Terry Fox Run happening as a school-wide event on Friday September 25. More information on that will follow. I hope that you are able to check this blogsite frequently for any new updates as we hope it will be a successful form of communication for our school community.