Secondary School Survival Kit for families in Grades 7-12 : April 30, 2016
Parents Engaged in Education is a not-for-profit organization in Ontario whose focus is to provide resources and skill building opportunities to parent leaders in our schools. It is our belief that parent engagement is a priority right through a student's educational pursuit although it often reduces as children enter the higher grades and certainly in secondary school. For that reason, Parents Engaged in Education are pleased to provide a no cost event for families in grades 7-12. We have an exciting panel of speakers addressing the relevant topics including the Director of Student Financing from the Ministry of Colleges, Universities and Training speaking on post secondary planning and student financing. In addition, speakers will present on mental health/addictions in teens, the value of perseverance and parent engagement in secondary school. We will also be featuring a resource fair for families to get information on post secondary, EQAO etc. We are opening this ev...