Next Council Meeting (June 6), Planning for Next Year and Fernapalooza This Week!


Our next (and final) School Council meeting will be on Wednesday, June 6th from 6:30 - 8:30 in the Auditorium. There will be two key discussion items in this meeting:

1. Special Guests from the TDSB.
Jane Phillips-Long (our Superintendent), Robin Pilkey (our Trustee), and TDSB Facilities Administrators will be joining us to address a number of concerns raised over the past year. As we anticipate a large audience for this meeting and a number of questions, please submit your questions ahead of time so we can make sure we have a productive conversation.
To submit a question for Jane / Robin / Facilities, please submit your application BEFORE Monday, June 4, by visiting this link:

2. 2018/2019 Budget Discussion.
For the 2018/19 school year, the Fern School Council will be conducting two rounds of funding requests (June and September). To request funds for 2018/19, please submit your application BEFORE Monday, June 4, by visiting this link:

On a separate note, every year the TDSB provides grant funding up to $1,000 for Council run initiatives that engage and educate the parent body. This year we secured the grant to facilitate Math Night. Last year we used the funds to bring in a guest speaker to teach parents how to help their children navigate social media. For 2018/19 there are two ideas on the table:
1 - a speaker on understanding/identifying children's anxiety,
2 - a speaker on Math anxiety and approaches on how to help your child learn math.
BEFORE Tuesday, May 29, please let us know which speaker you would prefer, or if you have any additional ideas by visiting this link:

Lastly, Fernapalooza, the 90's themed party for parents (and Fern's biggest fundraiser) is THIS SATURDAY!

It is shaping up to be an amazing party that you don't want to miss. If you haven't purchased your tickets yet for Fernapalooza, click here to do it now!

Thank you!