Access to School June 8-26

Dear Parents/Families,

With the news that schools will remain closed for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year, we are now focusing on how students can retrieve their belongings from schools and return any outstanding items that belong to the school (e.g. text books, library books, sports uniforms, instruments etc.).

We have established a process, using TDSB guidelines approved by Toronto Public Health, for students and parents/families to come into the school, should you wish to do so, to collect anything left behind and as well as to return any outstanding items. Technology devices that belong to the TDSB should not be returned at this time.

Our process will follow all physical distancing requirements, which means that it will take some time for everyone to have the opportunity to come in. I want to stress that we are being as responsible as possible in how move through this process and that the number of people who can be in our school at a given time is well below what is recommended by Toronto Public Health. Please note that masks or face coverings will be required to enter the building. A limited number will be available but you are encouraged to bring and wear your own. We appreciate your patience and support as we work through this together.

We are offering 15 minute windows for parents/guardians or students to come in. Please only one person per family. We will be sending out a schedule for you to sign up from June 8-26.

If you are feeling unwell, please do not come to the school. Before entering the building, you will be asked to conduct a self-assessment for any COVID-19 related symptoms, including fever, cough and runny nose and that you have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

When you arrive at the school at your designated time, please:

conduct self-screening measures
enter through the designated doors ( front entry doors on Fern Ave)
use hand sanitizer and wear a mask or face covering (limited masks are available but you are encouraged to bring and wear your own)
respect all physical distancing requirements, staying at least 6 feet away from others
drop off any items at the entry (include your child’s name, teacher and list of items returned)
retrieve belongings from classroom, portable or locker quickly
put any garbage in the bins provided
exit school property promptly
Should you not wish to retrieve or deliver anything, or someone else will be picking up on your behalf, please let me know. Non-essential items, such as notebooks and pencils, that are not picked up will be discarded. Clothing and personal items will be packed up and stored until the fall.

Also, please note that we are not able to access the childcare in our school at this time. A separate process for collecting belongings from them will come at another time.

I know this is not the way we expected to end the school year, but I appreciate your support in making this process as smooth and efficient as possible. I am already looking ahead to the fall when we can be together again in hopefully a more familiar way.

Yours in partnership,

R. Sardella
Principal/ Directrice