Babysitting and Stay Safe Courses with Stayin Alive with First Aid

With more students spending extended amounts of time at home,  it is more vital than ever they are prepared for how to remain safe at home home and how to look after siblings. 

Stayin Alive with First Aid are happy to announce new online Red Cross Approved Babysitting and Stay Safe courses using Google Meet for students to safely attend. 

The Babysitting course takes place over 3 days in 2-hour and 20 min increments (the Saturday and Sunday of the first weekend and the Saturday of the second weekend), including some homework. 

The Stay Safe course takes place over 2 days in 2-hour and 20 min increments (the Saturday and Sunday), including some homework. The course has been adapted to keep the students engaged while online through the use of games, chat discussions and videos. 

Please click on the Babysitting or Stay Safe flyers containing updated information about the new course format and how to register children for this life-saving course.

Please note spaces are extremely limited. There are classes starting in June going right through the summer. 

Dates and times can be found on the website: