Message from the Fern Yearbook Committee

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

The yearbook committee is currently in the process of creating Fern’s 2020/2021 yearbook. 

We intend on having many fun sections and details in this yearbook, and one of them is going to be a “Guess Who” section. This section will be filled with photos of students as newborns, infants or young children. We want people to look at the pictures and try to “guess who” everyone is. 

So, we ask all the families to send in pictures of the Fern 2020/2021 graduates when they were little. This is not mandatory, so if this is something that you or your family does not feel comfortable with, do not feel obligated to participate. 

We hope that this yearbook will be the most successful yet, and we look forward to receiving all of your pictures! You can upload your picture directly using this link:

The password is : Fern2021! 

Fern Yearbook Committee