Student Belonging Pick Up

A schedule has been sent out to families to retrieve any personal belongings and return any school materials. 

Thank you for your assistance in picking up personal items and dropping off any text books, instruments, school resources, technology with chargers and anything loaned our for remote learning. 

Returning Devices: As the last day of school is June 29th, please return all technology, Chromebooks, IPads, SEA equipment to the Fern office on June 29th, June 30th or July 2nd. from 8am-4pm. Thank you for your help in this matter as we will need all this technology to be in classrooms for next school year. 

Medication Pick Up: As students or families come into the school to pick up materials, please remember to stop by the office and pick up your Epi-Pens and any other medication that you may need over the summer.