Reminder - Fernapalooza - Thursday, June 29

"Back to normal" had a bit of a hiccup with smoke-ma-geddon. But we're rolling full steam ahead for Thursday June 29. Please sign up here for volunteer slots:

In particular, if you can take on the role of Games Captain please let us know ASAP at: 

Other Fernapalooza Reminders: 
-- Mystery Bag collection until end of school day Wednesday at Office 
-- Bake Sale contributions to be delivered Thursday, June 29 at Office 
-- Cake Decorating Competition to be dropped off either Thursday June 29 at Office (please complete registration form) OR drop off between 4 - 6pm at the Cake Competition table. 
-- Canopy tents: We are still looking for 10x10 canopies to borrow for the event in case of rain or sun. Let us know if you can lend us one. 
-- BBQ Advance Purchase: The BBQ will be $5 per person.* Look for Madeleine wearing her sandwich board in the school yard after school Wednesday the 28th and Thursday 29th before school. 

*We try to keep this event as accessible as possible. If the cost of the BBQ is prohibitive for your family, please touch base with Rosanna, Steve, or school council co-chair Alison McLean (at:

Questions? Please reach out to and we will try to direct you to the right place.