Big thanks to all the parent volunteers who came out to run the event and stay for cleanup. Also, a great big thanks to all the grade 7 and 8’s who participated: they did the lion’s share of the set-up including the tech stuff (yay Tech Club), the chairs, the decorations, the bake sale organization, and were extremely enthusiastic 50/50 sellers. We raised $1025 for Grade 8 Grad, and another approximately $1k for School Council programs! The Bake Sale raised $750, so thank you bakers, and thank you grade eights for moving the product! If you brought a container for your baked goods, they are in a box in front of the Office in the school foyer. The 50/50 draw brought in $250 for Grad (the winner donated his half back to Grad!), we made $25 from popcorn, and pretty much broke even on pizza. Speaking of popcorn and pizza, thank you everybody for your patience. We haven’t cracked the code on pizza yet: we either end up with too much and give it away, or have people lining up and w...